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Lisa Kretschmann


The courage to leave gaps

Having the courage to leave gaps. Easier said than done. For a workaholic like me, who rarely lets any opportunity or chance slip by, who finds it hard to tolerate not being fully occupied, and who – to a certain extent – generates endorphins from activity, it doesn’t come naturally to leave any “gaps”. For a long time, I’ve had plans to slow down my life a little and, on a professional level, to develop new… Read More »The courage to leave gaps


An unapologetic new year

I am not a huge fan of New Year’s resolutions – but if there is one (that we wish to everyone!), it is being absolutely unapologetic: –    About my health –    About enough rest –    About putting my own desires first (and others’ second) –    About respecting my boundaries –    About caring and respecting my needs –    About embracing the magic of who I am –    About creating projects, things, relationships, work,… that I love… Read More »An unapologetic new year

No tension on the beach

Creation through tension

We are spending the winter in the South of Spain. The last weeks Andalucia spoiled us with pleasant temperatures, frequent sunshine and a beautiful Atlantic beach at our doorstep. It has been a dream of ours to live close to the sea. Being able to mostly avoid the cold and wet season has proven to be a good choice. Such a privilege! And yet, it hasn’t felt great all the way… This step required emptying… Read More »Creation through tension


It’s not about your goal

When we speak about success, we generally think of big achievements, and more specifically, those at professional level. Getting a diploma or a new job, a high paying client, being promoted, or assuring a major breakthrough for your company. Having goals and achieving them is great. But let me ask you — how do such accomplishments truly make you feel? I’ll never forget the time I worked toward my A-levels in school. For at least two… Read More »It’s not about your goal


The perfect system of having too much

Many of us struggle with constantly having too much to take care of, both at work and private levels, and as a result, battling with a continual state of exhaustion. I could write a lot about how to avoid this and how important it is to rest and prioritize. However, let’s turn it around: being a person knowing this struggle very well, I will outline the perfect system for a constant struggle of “having too… Read More »The perfect system of having too much


Navigating transition

Transition stands for any kind of change, and more precisely, for the phase when you are “in between” – not yet there and not fully here anymore. Even though it can be exciting and might have been initiated voluntarily or with lots of enthusiasm, the moment you are in a transition, moving from one to the other can be quite confusing and uncomfortable. We have been moving to Spain very recently. It had been our plan since… Read More »Navigating transition


Protect your judgement

Judgement is a means to protect ourselves. To not let ourselves be confronted with the uncomfortable feelings and potentially needed actions related to it. It provides a safe distance to whatever we condemn in the other. But here’s the catch: what we judge in someone else is often a reflection of what we disdain within ourselves. The envy, disgust, or anger we feel toward others may reveal what we are unwilling to acknowledge within ourselves.… Read More »Protect your judgement


Give or take

In our society, there’s often confusion about what it truly means to give and serve. Acts of kindness aren’t always about giving; sometimes, they are more about taking. When we do something with the expectation of receiving something in return, we are not really giving – we are actually taking. There’s nothing inherently wrong with either approach, but being honest about our intentions is a significant gift to ourselves and others. Am I helping you… Read More »Give or take


(Re)moving conflict

There has been silence from our side for a couple of weeks. No, we were not on holiday, we have been moving houses – and it has been moving a lot of emotions too. Luckily, conflict is a great tool for self-awareness. Dealing with stressful situations as a couple or family is a challenge. It is hard to take care of the other’s asks and needs when it is already a challenge to deal with… Read More »(Re)moving conflict


Change is physical

We need to treat change like a physical challenge – because it is! Change is as much a body thing as a brain thing. And the more you allow yourself to engage your body, the more likely you are to get to the other side. Let’s be clear: nobody manages to think their way into change. We have to act to move forward, to create momentum; we have to adapt when we feel it is not going in the… Read More »Change is physical