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Are you really listening?

We often feel not being listened to when we do not get what we want or ask for. And that might be true. But do you really listen??? I am thinking fast and talking fast and whilst I listen to somebody else, the answers and comments start popping up in my head automatically. When I started my education as a coach I had to realise that I am not really listening. I was hearing the… Read More »Are you really listening?


Be a self-activist

There are moments where we feel everything else than great. When the world makes you swallow bitter pills. When you are just completely out of flow. It helps to grieve when necessary and to acknowledge things are shit when they are. But you don’t have to stay there forever, suffering and dimming your light (which makes others suffer too). In order to be happy and to light up or help others around you, you have… Read More »Be a self-activist


What are you not allowing?

When we get angry or irritated with another person, it is likely that their behaviour triggered us. Or something in us. 99,9% of triggers are not caused by what another person is doing or how they are being. They are caused by us not allowing something in ourselves. Something that we may actually have in ourselves but that we strongly try to suppress. And when we see it alive in somebody else, it is very… Read More »What are you not allowing?


It takes will to be in your heart

It takes will to be in your heart. This may sound contradictory, but it isn’t. Living the life you love is not always sunshine and butterflies. The challenge is that when you are going FOR what you love, you are going AGAINST safety. We all have an ego which has the function to keep you safe: it conveys your deepest fears and it will do everything to prevent you from stepping out of your safety and… Read More »It takes will to be in your heart


You think you are thinking

We think our thoughts are ours – and they are, but not the way you think. They emerge from your brain, but not from YOU. What I mean is that we have a personality, an ego, however you wish to call it, that is there for our survival. It has absorbed all rules of society, all conditioning; it has located the sources of danger for you and based on that, created your belief system and… Read More »You think you are thinking

not about you

It’s not about you

We tend to take things personally. By default. Because it always feels like being about us. Guess what: it is not true! More often than not, it is not about you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own beliefs, their situation and feelings. On your side, on most occasions when you get upset, hurt, or angry, it has nothing to do with the other person either. It happens… Read More »It’s not about you


Positive affirmations affirm the negative

I was told that I needed to increase my self-love and self-worth in repeating to myself how much I love me and how worthy I am. So I tried telling myself: “I love you, I love you, I am worthy, I am worthy,…”, and I hated it! It felt so wrong and it put my attention right in the center of the pain. And that is exactly why it didn’t work. If we are trying… Read More »Positive affirmations affirm the negative


Don’t focus on the how

Whilst perseverance can be useful and necessary, constantly pushing through closed doors when there are obstacles and resistance is not the most direct way to achieve your goals. Our mind wants and claims to know the way and tells us what to do or not to do. And this is not very helpful when we want to create.. Your rational mind tells you not to do things when you are scared. It requests you to… Read More »Don’t focus on the how


Imagination is a tool

Imagine… starting a sentence with this word is an invitation to visit our subconscious mind. To see something that is not physically in front of us, or that is not part of our present moment or reality. Exactly that makes imagination a very powerful creation tool. Whenever you want to create something in your life, you need to create it in your imagination first. You need to tell your subconscious that this is what you… Read More »Imagination is a tool


Good and bad are equally bad

Meaning that both are labels that we attach to events, actions or people. What is good and bad anyway other than a randomly attached definition that can be very different in another country, society or family. In any case, it is always based on our conditioning. Without wanting to judge the label “bad”, it simply doesn’t serve you nor anybody else. We use a lot of our energy to deny or rage over aspects of… Read More »Good and bad are equally bad